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Student accommodation brings with it a number of risks and requires a range of precautions to keep people safe.
The first consideration is the persons at risk. Generally, student accommodation is occupied by younger persons, often living independently for the first time, with a consequent lack of experience. The UK attracts many foreign students, for whom English is not always a first language and as university sites have become more accessible over the decades an increasing number of students with disabilities may also be present. The social side of university life also means that on some nights students may have consumed alcohol, which can affect response and behaviour; and finally, the premises are used as sleeping accommodation, which itself elevates the risk.
Identifying the associated fire risks is important and a variety of these are often found including:
Once the risks have been identified they can be addressed and eliminated or reduced. General fire precautions can be introduced to help should the worst still happen including:
A whole host of other fire protection measures are usually present- especially on larger sites -including smoke control systems, sprinklers and much more.
All these systems require appropriate maintenance to ensure they will perform as designed when needed.
Having a clear emergency plan is vital too – as well as ensuring that students are aware of it. Good resident engagement is required to ensure they are aware of the correct action in the event of a fire and also of the fire risks present and how to avoid them. The importance of the fire safety systems should be stressed, including that of fire doors, which are so often compromised.
By correct assessment of risks and the implementation of suitable fire safety measures and their maintenance, the student experience should be a safe one from a fire point of view.
Fire Depot has been the UK's favourite fire safety supplier for over 50 years, we know the fire protection and prevention business inside out. Our experienced team can offer advice and guidance about any of our fire safety products. For expert help and advice, please contact the Fire Depot team on 0330 999 2233, email us at visit to see our full range of fire safety products.
The information contained within this blog is provided solely for general informational and educational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Before taking any actions based upon this information, we advise the reader to consult any and all relevant statutory or regulatory guidance and where felt necessary to consult a qualified fire or industry regulation professional. The use or reliance on any information contained herein is solely at the reader’s risk.